5 Countries that will need Civil Engineers in 2021

5 Countries that will need Civil Engineers in 2021

As long as man exists, he needs to build him a shelter and a conducive environment in which to carry out his various activities and hobbies

Thomas Grant 4 years ago 0 61

As long as man exists, he needs to build him a shelter and a conducive environment in which to carry out his various activities and hobbies, and then he needs bridges and roads, which make it easier for him to move from his home to his place of work, investment area or recreation hall, or beyond that.

Therefore, whenever a country’s economy prospers, it is essential for it to use civil engineers to use their expertise to build a solid infrastructure.

Therefore, most countries that need to employ civil engineers may share one or more of the following characteristics

Countries that have achieved independence in recent times.
Countries that were previously rural.
Countries that have experienced prolonged GDP stagnation
Countries that are developing or growing.
Here are 05 of the countries that employ the most civil engineers, I have gathered through my reading and analysis of the opinions of many civil engineers working in different parts of the world:

1- United Arab Emirates:

I mention in particular the Emirate of Dubai, where you can work on giant projects with international standards, and with a decent salary as well, but you should not lose sight of the strict rules imposed by the government, as well as the harsh weather conditions in which you can work as a civil engineer.

To search for a job as a civil engineer in Dubai, you can follow one or all of the following methods:

  • Post your resume on Gulf job boards such as, or
  • Contact your friends, colleagues and acquaintances there and ask for help and assistance.
  • Keep in touch with parties who are recruiting for companies in the UAE.
  • Get to know the people who came before you at this stage, those who were employed in this country and had a good experience.
  • Visit the Emirates

In general, the possibility of hiring a civil engineer with 05 years of experience is much greater than the possibility of hiring a newly graduated civil engineer.

Here are some other sites that can help you find a job in the UAE:

2- Canada:

Canada is a strong country in terms of infrastructure, with a thriving economy and rich natural resources, making it a destination for ambitious young people who want to be creative and win.
But the question that arises a lot! How hard is it to get hired with a local degree? Some engineers who have experienced it say it is not difficult at all, as long as you can demonstrate your experience and abilities, but if you want to work as a consultant for a company, it can become more difficult because it requires you to be a professional engineer (P eng), and so In Canada, many civil engineering graduates work in companies with different roles, but they are not necessarily professional civil engineers. Generally, if you have experience in your field and a command of the English language, someone will hire you.

So, the first important step in your journey to find a job in Canada is to consider obtaining a language proficiency certificate (English or French) from a recognized language testing institute such as (IELTS).
Here are some sites to help you find a job in Canada:

3- Australia:

This is currently the best opportunity for civil engineers to find a job in Australia, the Australian government is now investing heavily in infrastructure, there is a huge project in almost every state of Australia that includes roads, railroads and electrical generators, including the example of the Cross River Rail project In Queensland and the Level crossing removal project in Victoria, the implementation of such projects requires the employment of several engineers in various disciplines. Starting in 2019, the Australian government is investing $10 billion in a 10-year program to provide infrastructure for the transport sector.
Experts suggest that Australia will be the next destination for engineers in the next decade and beyond.c

4- New Zealand:

New Zealand stands out as one of the most economically stable countries in the world, and it is a wonderful destination for civil engineers. The number of citizens of New Zealand is about four million, but it still suffers from an engineering deficit in its workforce, which means that the opportunities to employ civil engineers remain Strong.

5- India:

India is a developing country and by joining South Asia, India is now the most important emerging country on the international scene today, explains Jinal Doshi, Indian civil engineer: “There are still many places where people do not have good quality water to drink and they do not have electricity. And their houses are not safe (Nepal earthquake), they need transportation, and the megacities need better transportation solutions, people need a better standard of living. As you can see, most of the tasks require, directly or indirectly, civil engineering.”

Some recruitment sites in India:

In my opinion, the large number of university graduates of civil engineers is not a problem at all, as long as the certificate is not the only criterion that respected companies set, and I see that the process that gets the right person to the right place is somewhat similar to that journey that sperm cuts through to reach the ovary (a principle of efficiency).

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Iam a civil engineer I share on this blog the news concerning construction

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