
20 examples of architects who have miserably failed to do their job … For the 12th, the owner will be damn happy!

Thomas Grant 5 years ago 0 22

Sometimes architects really do anything. Really.

Most of these photos that you will see are totally inexplicable, as it may seem absurd. We sometimes find ourselves wondering if this is grim incompetence, a kind of artistic performance, or simply a fully assumed desire to rot people’s day.

1. The architect who designed this is probably the same type of guy who parks his Hummer across just to occupy 4 parking spaces.

2. I hope he didn’t pay too much for his place …  

3. The most useful fire escape on the planet 

4. Be careful, it’s a bit low … 

5. The guy who did this is a pure genius, or else it is a sadist who hopes to see children taken up in small pieces. A choice.  

6. More effective than curtains or shutters, a good brick wall and that’s it! 

7. I believe that the architects who did this wanted to convey a subliminal message …  

8. Bow down in front of the Grand Duck Church! Glory to him!  

9. The toilet

10. When you work in construction, and you confuse your right and your left …  

11. This guy may have simply anticipated the arrival of flying cars!  

12. I hope the guy who lives here drives a Smart, otherwise it’s fucked up … 

13. For those who don’t like going to the bathroom alone  

14. “Lovely little balcony, nice view” 

15. A thought for all those who have the number 1, 2 or 3 in their bank code

16. Public toilets for climbing fans   

17. Why keep it simple, when it can be complicated … 

18. Just to drive the obsessed with perfection  

19. No, don’t go out this door !! .. Oops, too late.  

20. Madness of a drunk architect?

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Iam a civil engineer I share on this blog the news concerning construction

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